• The Battle of B'Water

    An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Captain Giglamps has been tasked with traveling up the Bomoo River to track down and cashier the rogue officer Colonel Blyng. Before the search begins he must first make landfall and get to the town of B'Water, however, D’Katha Bey and his 9lb gun may have a thing or two to say about that.

  • Sharke's Moria

    An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Deep under the mountains Giglamps and Sharke stumble upon the ancient remains of a fallen Dwarf, read on to discover how Sharke came to be in Injii, why he found himself with the highly decorated Giglamps and what they did when they got there.

  • The Terror of Toadula

    An Orcs in the Webbe Original! The fearless Giglamps, “Giggers” to his many friends and admirers, faces up against a terrible duo in this Flintloque scenario for two players.