"The Science of the Daleks"
A When Darkness Comes Scenario set in the Worlds of Doctor Who by Craig Andrews
Adapted from “Exterminate”, a Time-Lord Scenario by James White
The Doctor and their companions materialise at a research station on Kasis IV in the 25th Century. What adventures lie within...
What Is When Darkness Comes?
When Darkness Comes (WDC) is a great little board game / roleplaying game hybrid that came out way back in 2002. It uses a clever system of randomised tiles and tokens. The core box focused on the undead with zombies, mummies and vampires although with a bit of imagination tiles can represent anythign you want within the framework of the rules. The game is extremly modular and spawned six expansions across multiple genres each adding different tokens that could be added to the main game as well as a selection of scenarios featuring the new content in each.
Sets Required for This Scenario
When Darkness Comes: The Awakening (Core Box)
Counters Required
Counter 4 = The Doctor's TARDIS*
Room Encounters
Counters 1-3 = Computer Terminals
Counters 7-10 = Various Bits of Technology
4 x “No Door” Counters = Ventilation Ducts
2 x “Siren” Security Counter = Restricted Computer Terminals
Ally Counters = Dr Perek Shaoler, Professor Damien Kamren, Dr Yana Amlis
Patrolling the Corridors
Counters 5-6 = Computer Terminals
2 x “Redneck” Security Counter = Security Guards
1 x “Security Guard” Security Counter = Kenneth
2 x “Guard Dog” Security Counter = Security Drones
Other Required Counters
1 x “Security Guard” Security Counter
3 x Adversary 1
1 x Adversary 2
1 x Adversary 5
3 x Adversary 6
Set-Up / Game Play
Remove the ‘Museum’, ‘House’, ‘Gun Shop’, ‘Game Store’, ‘Church/Graveyard’, ‘Bank’ and both ‘School’ tiles, and shuffle the rest of the tiles as normal. For this scenario the tiles represent rooms in a futuristic space station, the ‘outside’ areas (grassy areas/pavement) are considered to be corridors and recreation areas.
Play continues mostly as normal, including choosing a random tile when a character moves onto a new area and double movement in ‘outside’ spaces (the corridors).
When placing new map tiles, place only 2 counters from the “Room Encounters” pile onto any 3 of the “?” squares, and 1 counter from the “Patrolling the Corridors” pile onto any “!” square.
To start turn over the top tile and place the TARDIS* counter on any of the “!” spaces and the other counters as described above.
* You don't of course have to play the Doctor, the counter can represent any ship landing or docking with the station. Bernice Summerfield? Roj Blake? The choice is yours...
Player Characters
You can use the characters out of the core set and simply rename them or create your own using the standard rules.
Plot Twists
To try and emulate the ‘nature’ of Doctor Who I’ve used "Plot Twists". Each of these is a selection of extracts from various sources. Using these, the players goals are not clearly laid out before the scenario starts, they are discovered during play and each one enhances (some would says complicates) things by adding goals and/or adversaries. Consider each one an end of episode cliffhanger!
In this scenario whenever a character encounters a counter numbered from 1-3, it represents a low security computer terminal,. They need to complete an Intelligence (Computers, Hacking) skill check with a target of 3S. If they are successful there controlling player reads a randomly determined Plot Summary. The player also receives 3 Victory Points.
The Brig (Not That One!)
During the course of this adventure characters can be ‘Sent to the Brig’ (also known as the Security Holding Cell). This occurs in one of two ways. Either they have failed a security check or they have accumulated 3 ‘Failure’ Counters. Once this happens they are placed in one of the cells of the ‘City Hall & Jail’ tile, if it is not already in play find it in the stack, placing it in a random adjacent space on the tabletop and re-shuffle the other tiles. The cell door is locked and cannot be opened normally from the inside (can be opened from the outside) it has a value of 3 Locks and can be opened via all the usual means.
Discovery Table
Instead of creating a whole bunch of new tiles (defeating the point of a superbly designed ‘all-in-one-box’ game like When Darkness Comes), for this scenario the counters you usually associate with zombies and guns and other 20th century items represent creatures and items from the 25th century. This table not only gives you a brief explanation in the form of flavour text but also contains any unusual or extra rules which may apply.
Room and Corridor Tokens
Read the corresponding entry when found.
Numbered Counters 1 through 3 = Low Security Computer Workstation
‘Sleek smart and reliable’, reads the slogan scrolling across the screen. Recognizing this as a highly modified version of the immensely powerful ‘Archon’ military operating system that was used throughout the 21st century, you wonder what a seemingly innocent government research post would be doing with these military grade computers.
[Pass 1P (One Pair) or Higher to read a Random Plot Twist and receive 3 Victory Points.
If failed take a ‘Failure’ Counter]
“Siren” Security Counters = High Security Computer Workstation
As you hit any key to cancel the ‘Sleek, Smart and Reliable’ message that is scrolling across the screen, you realise your error. This is not a standard access terminal. It’s a high security, locked down, military workstation, You’ll find no information here. The last thing you feel is the slight tingle on the base of your neck and a strange smell of ozone. You know this feeling, the base’s security Trans-Mat has activated.
[Standard security counter check, if failed, player is ‘Sent to the Brig’]
“Security Guard “ Security Counter = Kenneth the Dalek
As you approach the corner you hear a familiar sound, no, surely it can’t be. Upon turning the corner your suspicions are confirmed as you are faced with a horrific sight, one that was the last thing ever seen by millions during the galactic wars. A Dalek. As you prepare to be indiscriminately exterminated, you notice it has had its weapon removed. Then, further compounding your confusion, it seemingly tilts its eyestalk and inquires in a strangely polite, metallic voice.
“Hallo there my name is Kenneth, are you meant to be here?”
[Standard security counter check,
If failed, player is ‘Sent to the Brig’ and counter is reshuffled into unrevealed corridor counters.
If security check is successful, this ‘Security Token’ becomes an ‘Ally’.
Treat his stats as re-rolls available eg. 6H = 1 Re-Roll. Kenneth gives no attack re-rolls as he has had his weapon removed. Instead use his ‘Defence Value’ as Intelligence re-rolls. He can also be sacrificed as per normal ‘Ally’ rules ]
Numbered Counter 7-10 = Scenario Specific Items
Counter 7 = Dawes Shield Unit
Counter 8 = Temporal Snare
Counter 9 = Dalek Temporal Vessel
Counter 10 = High Tech Machinery
[Standard Intelligence Check to identify,
If failed mix back into respective pile and place a new counter on an empty ? ]
4 x “No Door” Counters = Ventilation Ducts
[Optional: Make a Dexterity (Climbing) Check, If successful you enter the network of Ventilation Ducts crisscrossing the entire base, you may move immediately to any other exposed Ventilation Duct (No Door) Counter]
2 x “Guard Dog” Security Counter = Automated Security Drones
[Standard security counter check, if failed, player is ‘Sent to the Brig’]
2 x “Redneck” Security Counter = Base Security Guards
[Standard security counter check, if failed, player is ‘Sent to the Brig’]
Discovery Cards Specific Tokens
3 x Adversary 6 = Daleks
2 x Adversary 2 = Thal Commandoes
3 x Adversary 1 = Thal Soldiers
1 x Adversary 5 Captain Simrik Vachek
[Standard adversary rules apply]
1 x “Security Guard” Security Counter = Lieutenant Michael Atkins
[Standard security counter check, if failed, player is ‘Sent to the Brig’.
If security check is successful, this ‘Security Token’ becomes an ‘Ally’. Treat his stats as re-rolls available e.g. 6H = 1 Re-Roll. Kenneth gives no attack re-rolls as he has had his weapon removed. Instead use his ‘Defence Value’ as Intelligence re-rolls.
He can also be sacrificed as per normal ‘Ally’ rules normal]
The Plot Twists
Roll 1D4, re-rolling if previously discovered. Read the plot extracts and then follow any Setup and Rules noting any goals that are added to the scenario.
Plot Twist #1 - The Dawes Shield Unit
Report: Es4562-a1 - Taken from an Earth Deep Space Detection Satellite
Kasis IV – Surface Conditions
Kasis’ fourth moon, the second of the large Satellites has been labelled Kasis IV. It is slightly smaller than Earth's moon at 3,066 kilometres wide, but is bigger than that of Pluto. It's surface is extremely smooth with hardly any craters. This is because it is believed that Kasis IV is another living moon. It has an icy surface, about 5 kilometres thick and under that, it is believed that there are oceans about 50 kilometres deep. Any base or outpost constructed here would have to be installed with considerable shielding, possibly one of the later ‘Dawes’ systems.
Extract from the Diary of Dr Perek Shoaler
Given the nature of our work here I have been instructed by Earth Central to modify the ‘Dawes’ shield system. It seems it has a military capability that was kept from the specs when it was publicly released. By modifying its core drive unit, it can be set up to emit harmless radio waves that effectively ‘cloak’ the base from detection.
One thing it does not say in the military database is how long it will keep operating for, with the increased output the readings are off the scale. From what I could gather from the military entries is that over the course of time it may start to degrade, not only the new found ‘cloak’ but also the inherent shielding. I have not yet told Kamren, he would surely shut down the shield, possibly compromising the experiment. I cannot allow that to happen. We are so close…
Extract Ends.
Due to ‘external modification’ the ‘Dawes’ Shielding Unit that has protected the base for the past year is dangerously close to collapse. If it is not repaired soon it will cease to operate, flooding the base with freezing cold gases from the moons surface. It must be fixed or everyone on the Kasis IV research station will die.
Roll 2d6, you have that many rounds before the shielding fails. When this happens, a sudden explosive burst signifies the exposure of the base to the harsh surface conditions of Kasis IV. All the hermetically sealed rooms are okay but the corridors have been flooded with harsh frozen gases. In game terms this means that anyone who ends their turn on a corridor square receives one wound marker, any allies die as they are not made of the hardier ‘hero’ stock like you. As the hero of the hour you should find and repair the device in order to make the base safe again.
Repairing the ‘Dawes’ Shielding Unit (10 Victory Points): Once found a successful Intelligence Skill Check on the Dawes Shield Unit (Counter Number 7) repairs some of the damage according to the level of success. it requires a total of 10 points of repair. For example: If the player rolls 3S it repairs 3 points. If the shielding has failed the unit can still be repaired but it requires 15 points to fully repair.
- The Dawes Shield Plot Summary Ends -
Plot Twist #2 - The Daleks Within
Extract from the Diary of Dr Perek Shoaler
After the limited success we’ve had with ‘Kenneth’ I’ve decided to take an alternative route with the others. I have activated them with their memory cores intact. I have since bargained with them, offering them full access to all my research in exchange for protection. This way even if any of the damned Thals petition the Federation, or even worse stage an attack, I will be protected, as will my work. The Daleks are not imaginative creatures, I have them right where I want them.
Extract Ends.
Archon Secure Communications System: Error Report 346f542
Real Time Connection with the Vega system in operation…
Connecting to Host...
Unknown User...
ERROR ! You do not have authorisation, notifying base securi...
If the ‘Laboratory’ tile (Ice Cream Shop?) has not been placed already search the tile pile for and place it on a randomly determined edge on the board and then re-shuffle the remaining tiles. Place the 3 Adversary 6 counters on any of the internal rooms in the ‘Laboratory’.
The Daleks will search the base looking for their Temporal Vessel and the Temporal Snare holding it here. Each Dalek is moved their movement value each turn towards the nearest room counter not already targetted by a Dalek. If there are none in play they will move to the nearest map edge and discover a new area in the same way as player characters.
Daleks are not affected by the surface conditions of Kasis IV.
Daleks are treated as normal Adversary according to the WDC rules except for thier movement as described above.
When a Dalek has line of sight to a counter flip it and follow the instructions below.
(a) If it is their Time Ship the Dalek that discovered it will enter the ship (remove it from the board) and start to alter its systems it. It will take 2d6 rounds to complete its task. The others will then begin a search of the base to Exterminate. They will move their maximum movement each turn towards the nearest Player or Thal. Once repaired all Daleks will move at maximum rate to the ship, once all surviving Daleks are on board it dematerialises destroying the entire base as it leaves.
(b) If it is the Temporal Snare the Dalek that discovered it will start attacking it. It has a defence of 3S and 10 wound levels left before it is destroyed.
(c) If it is not the Dalek Time Ship or the Temporal Snare , just reshuffle the counters with their main pile and replace 2 on any of the “?” squares on that room tile.
Killing the Daleks (Normal Victory Points per Dalek killed): The simple, albeit ruthless response.
Destroying the Dalek Time Ship (10 Victory Points): If the characters find the Time Ship they can attempt to destroy it. It is in quite bad shape anyway and has a defence of 3S. It has 10 wound levels left before it is destroyed. If a Dalek has entered the ship it will pause it's repairs and exit to attack. All Daleks also will move at maximum speed to the ship. This objective must be completed before all the Daleks are killed (with the exception of Kenneth). When it is destroyed any players in the room take 2 damage in the explosion.
- The Daleks Within Plot Twist Ends -
Plot Twist #3 - The Thals
Status Log, Captain Simrik Vachek Recording, Empirical Stardate 4824.8
Two Days ago a random probe on its way to monitor for signs of the Daleks advance across the Galaxy, picked up signs of what we feared. Some kind of advance Dalek squad deep within Federation territory. Imagine our horror when, upon closer examination, the Dalek signatures were deep in a Federation base with no signs of combat. What could have happened, have the Daleks found some way to penetrate the shields without firing a shot ? All we can hope is that before we arrive we can glean some kind of information from the bases records, and we can save those there before they are converted, or worse, killed.
Log Ends
Status Log, Captain Simrik Vachek Recording, Empirical Stardate 4825.4
My science officer informs me we have limited access to the bases records. Statistical reports, personal records, log entries, that sort of thing. Hopefully we’ll find something out shortly.
Log Ends
Extract from the Diary of Dr Perek Shoaler
At last, after weeks of modifying and tweaking Kenneth’s central data core we have got somewhere. He is now not only responding to external stimuli but interacting within a limited set of environmental variables. A few more days and I think we will have it, after all this time mankind can progress. We have 'befriended' a Dalek !
Extract Ends
Status Log, Captain Simrik Vachek Recording, Empirical Stardate 4825.5
Bastards ! Despite the treaty. Despite knowing what we went through, they have sided with the Daleks. Everyone on that base will pay, I swear it, on my Fathers grave. THEY. WILL. PAY!
Log Ends
Place the Adversary 2, Adversary 5, Adversary 1’s and one of the Security Guard counters face down on a randomly determined external edge tile corner squares. Depending on tile placement their may be more than one soldier on each square. These tile represent the points of penetration of Captain Simrik and his security team. The Thal invasion force has landed.
The Thals have one mission, destroy all Daleks and anyone associated with the Kasis IV Revival Project. Each turn they move as if their result was 4 (so 4 squares in rooms, 8 in the corridors) directly towards the nearest lifeform (Dalek, Player or Ally). They all move on the turn before the person who went first has their go. They will engage any Players or Daleks that they find in combat. Adversary vs. Adversary combat is dealt with by rolling an amount of dice equal to their ‘Attack Level’ e.g. Attack = 1P, Roll 2 Dice. The Thals get +1 dice when fighting Daleks due to their Hatred of them. Simrik get +2 as he is a very experienced combat veteran. The Thals are not affected by Kasis’ IV surface conditions due to their HazMat suits.
Killing the Thals (Normal Victory Points per Thals killed): The simple, albeit ruthless response.
Convincing Captain Simrik (10 Victory Points): If the players find Captain Simrik, he is treated like a Security Guard at first with a Persuasion (Bluff) check of 4S required. No other Persuasion skills can be used. Each player may only attempt this once. If the check fails Simrik is from then on treated like a standard Adversary by that player.
- The Thals Plot Twist Ends -
Webmaster's Notes
This scenario was written way way back in 2004 and has sat on my hard drive ever since. I think I may have published it somewhere online but I'm buggered if I can find any reference to where, I assume it was on an earlier regeneration of Orcs in the Webbe. I also can't find any links to the original scenario for the Ian Marsh's Time Lord RPG that it is based on "Exterminate" by James White. So with that in mind I hereby declare that "The Science of the Daleks" (previously called "In The Name of Science") is (probably) an Orcs in the Webbe original and was first published on the 20th December 2020 as the eighteenth entry of its 2020 Advent Calendar.