
An Orcs in the Webbe Original! A guide to Cornwulle in the Mordredian Era. A lore document to help inspire your games of Flintloque and Slaughterloo...

¡The Dog-Emperor Maximilliahound of Chihuahua!

Discover how a younger sibling of the Östarian Emperor Klaffenhound rose to prominence in the far off lands of Eldorado...

Frosty Jack

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Foul Mouth Freddy meets three Cryptmass ghosts in this bawdy twist on a classic redemption tale...

The Expedition to Sindya

Follow the exploits of Captain Sir Artur Blenkinsorc as he braves deserts, dinosaurs, hostile lizardmen, and intrigue in the little know continent of Sindya...

¡Battles of El Dorado!

We take a look at some of the other battles and campaigns of El Dorado's rebel hero, Bovrilar and his Patriots.

¡Personalities of El Dorado!

The Revolutionary Wars in El Dorado featured some fascinating characters, including the famous larger than life rebel, Aston Villa.

The Capture of La Banana

Rectangula, Valon's largest supplier of sugar (and the rum fermented from it) and pipeweed, was important both in itself, and as the major staging-post for the galleon convoys from El Dorado...

Flintloque: Outpost

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Flintloque: Outpost was a character and resource driven campaign framework set in the Frozen lands of Valon allowing players to thematically use whatever miniatures they had...

Arm Wrestling with Foul Mouth Freddy

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! We find out about Freddy's time with The Soiled Bayonet, a group of Albion Orcs who were specially seconded and trained in supernatural warfare and tactics. 

Foul Mouth Freddy and the Great Pencil Fraud

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Foul Mouth Freddy...

¡Revolucion in El Dorado!

Whilst the Mordredian Wars raged in Urop and beyond, The Revolutionary Wars in El Dorado burned like a slow fire. Many different factions all infused with a desire to wrest freedom from the despotic Catalucians - oh, and possibly make some profit on the side.

Foul Mouth Freddy and the Worm of Villa Rocca

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! All Hallow’s Eve just wouldn’t be the same without a Foul Mouth Freddy short story and in keeping with tradition, here is a tale to make your skin crawl...

Take to the skies of Valon with these aerial combat rules designed for use with 6mm miniatures and Wessex Games' Aeronef.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! One of Tony Harwood's most famous creations returns. This year tasked with providing the food, drink and entertainment for a seasonal soirée. What could possibly go wrong...

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! It's All Hallow's Eve and that means only one thing here on Orcs in the Webbe. Master modelmaker Tony Harwood has something special for us. This year he creates a brand new Flintloque character, Colonel Vladimir Bayun.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Cutter, one of the Rogues of Londinium has been granted permission from their leader, the nefarious Colonel, to assassinate the Baron Petrochemicoli on his ‘Diplomatic’ hush hush mission to Albion. Will they succeed and more importantly to The Colonel what secrets will they uncover…

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Tony Harwood's Ferach Officer, Errole Flynne, returns in this cracking tale about the oprigina of Flynn's regimental standard and its unusual properties.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Cryptmass wouldn't be Cryptmass without Foul Mouth Freddy! This year Freddy's creator, Tony Harwood, recounts a tale of how notoriety can lead to fortune. If you have a mind like Freddy's that is...

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! An introduction to Orcs in the Webbe’s planned ongoing Flintloque campaign for 2019, Londinium. Londinium is going to be a character driven Flintloque story arc set in the titular capital city of the Orc’s homeland, Albion. This first article starts with a huge chunk of history where the idea for this campaign came from and sets out the overall setting as well as introducing one of the three main factions you’ll be seeing in “Season One”.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Regular readers of The Advent Calendar will no doubt be aware of our favourite red-coated anti-hero and his many miss-adventures, but few will have heard the tale of how Freddy obtained his previously-owned-by-an-Ogre boots or as Freddy calls them, ‘His Daisy Roots’.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! OITW regular and storyteller extraordinare, Tony Harwood, turns his attention to another of Foul Mouth Freddy's posse for this years Advent tale in honour of the memory of the last of the colourful characters who have inspired the many wonderful tales we've read these last seven years.

The Orcs of Albion have resisted the Ferach Empire since the beginning of the Mordredian Wars not just with a small but highly trained and extremely well drilled army but also the best Navye to be found on all of Valon.

Back in the 90s there were a variety of planned expansions and spin-offs for Flintloque that sadly never came to be. One such release would have been a new edition of Flintloque taking things in a direction inspired by the events of the Crimean War...

Whilst Wheeling-Turn pushed to take control of Urop back from the Usurper Mordred there was a war no less vicious being fought much closer to home.

Some ideas on the lost race of the Dracci in Flintloque collated from the original Flintloque eGroup.

An Orcs in the Webbe Exclusive! Gavin Syme, lead writer for Alternative Armies and head of the World of Valon has put together something Flintloque and Slaughterloo players have been after for some time, a PDF detailing the names, numbers and colours of the foot regiments in the army of Greate Britorcn.

The original fontispiece from the 1995 1st Edition of Flintloque including the original credits and the Valonic version of the song Over the Hills and Far Away.

Expand your gaming on the World of Valon with action in the Kinkon Delta which sees the Union of Secessionist Albionites go up against the River Pyrates of the Kinkon Delta in this classic background article from the Flintloque archive.

The truth behind the Elves persecution of the Dracci is revealed in this background piece by one of Flintloque's co-creators, first published on the Flintloque eGroup back in 2001.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Gaston Minion, secretaire to the commander of the "Masay Gardes du Cote Milice" tells all about Masay's militia, his commander's run in with an Albion hero and the crazed plan to take Albion by sea...

When Wylde Magicke was annulled the Undead servants of Aleksander the Star Wraith crumbled to dust. He set upon using the new laws of science to create a new type of Undead, all went well until the first Whytes appeared...

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! What happened to our heroes after the showdown with Shambog last year? What effect has the recent  emancipation of the long suffering Halflings in the Windy Isles had on the pirate factions? Find out in this prelude to Dreadloque III "The Goblin in the Smoke", this years tale of tale of banditry, insurrection and of course the infamous pipeweed.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Being in the main a description of events unfolding in the exotic Windy Isles after those heretofore depicted in the prior work Dreadloque, by the author.

An Orcs in the Webbe Original! Read about how a Faerie herald lost all he loved and became Grandfather Frost, doomed to wander the frozen lands of the Star Wraith in search of hope.