
"The Kinkon Goblins"

A Flintloque Background and Rules Article by Gavin Syme - Updated for Flintloque 3rd Edition by Craig Andrews


Full rules for using the Kinkon Goblins in your games of Flintloque and Slaughterloo.


The Slaughterloo rules directly follow the Flntloque rules, both contain cracking background information adding to colorful backstory of the Kinkon Goblins and I recommend reading the entire article even if one game or the other is your gaming preference. There is also a section on converting your miniatures along with Gavin's original designers notes, both can be found after the Slaughterloo section. - Craig



Far from the cobbled streets and the gentle drawing rooms of Londinium and Lyonesse, where the Mordredian Wars rage on muddy battlefields all across the kingdoms of Urop, the armies of the great powers are keen on expanding their Empyres into the wilds and uncharted places of Valon. While all these dreams of expansion result in blood and musketry from Aegpyt to Injia and even further, it is with the former Goblin colonies of the Gulch East Injies to which we pay our notice to here. Taking a leaf from the accounts of the Honourable East Valonian Company (HEVC) the greatest trading fleet on Valon these former colonies are scattered across thousands of miles of creature infested oceans and steaming jungles. The HEVC scroll writers record that much like the Halflings of the Naal in Afri; the Goblins to be found in these embattled enclaves were once part of the first mighty Goblin Empyre.

The First Goblin Empyre existed during the ending of the Darke Age and the Time of Annulment before collapsing under the strain of fighting off other emerging powers such as Burrovia and Armorica, even Nepolise, so that by the time of the Ferach Revolution many, many thousands of Goblins found themselves alone with nothing but monsters and the jungle for company. These abandoned Goblins were forced to survive, and without the protection of the Power Ring and the secrets of black powder they had to adopt a more savage manner to keep their enemies at bay.

By the time the ships of the HEVC with their Halfling and Orcish crews began once more to visit these far off places, and few are as far off as Kinkon, they found tribes of Goblins who were no more as the peoples of Al-Garvey. These Goblins were in positions of power all across the wide swath of the world that once belonged to the First Goblin Empire.

Encompassing a huge realm of jungle with many mighty rivers, a delta and several score islands the Realm of Kinkon is a mysterious place which is ripe for plucking but is filled with dangers too. The trading fleets of the HEVC and others make great use of the local Kinkon Goblins in their forces and the Company has managed to turn most of the ‘accessible’ parts of Kinkon into an enclave of wooden and sometimes bamboo forts and ports. Waging an ongoing war alongside regular Great Britorcn battalions and the Royul Navye the Company also has many thousands of soldiers battling the Ferach Empyre in Kinkon. Bringing in a lot of Uropean soldiers is a time consuming and expensive business and all the great powers especially the HEVC make extensive use of many native levies to fill out their ranks.

The Kinkon Goblins dressed in their distinctive loin cloths and wooden armour with their eye catching sedge hats (conical hats made of strawed bamboo) arm themselves with bamboo spears and small composite bows, sometimes with iron swords traded for sacks of rice with HEVC merchants. The pace of progress though has also reached the Kinkon Goblins and they now have some primitive muskets of their own and also an ingenious small cannon made from hollow re-enforced bamboo logs, its light and resists rust but it is prone to exploding! Kinkon Goblins will happily fight for anyone who will pay them and private piratical bands operate at will in the Realm of Kinkon.

Battalions of native Sepoys recruited from the Kinkon Delta tribes are in the employ of the HEVC, most of which are armed only with spears and bows, but some are drilled to fight in formations and make use of their own or even imported carbines and muskets, though many iron firelocks rust to orange dust in weeks in the intense steaming heat of the jungles. Native Sepoys can also be found in the employ of Elvish merchants and even some of the remotest trading posts of the Otharmann Empyre. The Realm of Kinkon is a massive area filled with wonder and danger, overgrown temples once home to the olden gods, and wild creatures far too magicke to exist now in the more civilised parts of Valon. Kinkon is but one of the remote places that harbour danger and adventure for Empyre builders.


flintloque-logo-304x90The Kinkon Goblins in Flintloque

In games of Flintloque when you wish to venture to the far off wilds of Valon then you can't go far wrong with some native Kinkon Goblins. These Goblins can be allied to any Uropean nation or unto themselves, these matters should be worked out in the scenario or campaign narrative before play begins. When creating a section of Kinkon Goblins you must use the points values, weapons, special rules etc outlined here. If you wish to use an officer such as an Orc or Elf who is Uropean trained this is perfectly acceptable as long as the species type of the officer matches the allegiance of the Goblins meaning that if you wish to use an Officer who belongs to a nation in the Grand Alliance (i.e. Orc) then the Goblins must be allied to the Grand Alliance.

A Section of Kinkon Goblins comprises an Officer, a Sergeant and a number of Privates (6-8) whither Natives, Sepoys or Uropean Trained troops. Use the points values here for determining the cost of your section and its weapons. Kinkon Goblins are quite different to Al-Garvey Goblins, they are more fearful of musketry and not as strong but they are fierce in melee and they can move at quite a rate!

Here are the racial stats for a Kinkon Goblin:

Half Step            5
Slow March       11
Quick March      16
Double March   22

The original handout showed the Kinkon Goblins got slightly faster than their Uropean cousins at the higher speeds so I extrapolated that into the stats above.

Steady 2
Discipline -1

Wounds 1
Melee +1

I used the Reloaded version Defence Factor for Steady.

Here are the special points adjustments and special rules for different kinds of Kinkon Goblin troops:

Raw 7
Average 10
Experienced 12
Veteran 15
Militia (Sepoy) +2
Elite +3

Light Infantry N/A
Guerilla N/A
Marine N/A
Irregular (Native) -1
Regular (HEVC) +4

Flintloque Rules

All Kinkon Delta Goblins must apply a -1 to all Morale Rolls in play.

Morale got transformed into a few different things in Flintloque 3e, I have given Goblins a Discipline rating of -1 (based on the above -1 using a normal Uropean Goblin Discipline of 0 as ‘normal’). 

All Kinkon Goblins must take a fired at ‘First Time Morale Test’ EACH time they are fired upon unless they are gun crew, Militia (Sepoy), Regular; or they are Experienced / Veteran / Elite in which case one test only as normal.

This can be represented in Flintloque 3e by placing a shaken marker on a Kinkon Goblin whenever shot at (targeted) by a black powder weapon regardless of if it hits or not unless it meets the criteria above.

No Kinkon Goblin may engage a Todoroni or Werewolf in melee without taking a Fired at First time morale test.

For this, and also quite a bit of fun on the tabletop, I suggest activating and moving them as normal but upon moving into Engagement Range with a Todoroni or Werewolf rolling for activation again as if they have a shaken token on them (Activation Case 3). This represents them charging in, following orders and then having to test against their resolve to actually get stuck in. For any easier time you could just roll using Case 3 (Activation when Shaken) but this gives those who are already shaken no additional penalty for engaging a Todoroni or Werewolf.

Unless trained in Bamboo gunnery (see below) no Kinkon Goblin may operate Artillery.

Unless Militia or Regular status no Kinkon Goblin may use black powder weapons.

All movement penalties for movement though jungle are reduced by 50%.

As terrain types were changed in FLQ3e agree with your opponent beforehand which areas of the gaming area are Jungle. Treat them as difficult terrain for Kinkon Goblins and Bogging Terrain for everyone else.

Kinkon Goblin Skills

- Trained in Drill (by Uropean Officers) +2 points per Miniature (+1 to Morale Rolls)

Again Morale is different in FLQ3e, give Kinkon Goblins that take this skill +1 Discipline.

- Native Melee Weapons only (no black powder) -2 points per Miniature (No firearms allowed in play)

Trained to use Bamboo Artillery (operates cannon) +1 point per Miniature. Can operate bamboo cannon only no other types of Cannon or Rockets.

A Note on Bamboo Weaponry: Bamboo Spears and Bows are treated just like normal spears and bows in the Flintloque rules and have the same points cost. However any Bamboo weapon used by a character who is not a Kinkon Goblin, or an officer of a section of Kinkon Goblins suffers a -2 to all Melee rolls.

Kinkon Goblin Weaponry

ere are the stats and points costs for the weapons typically used by Kinkon Goblins when going to battle (I have calculated the stats based on the difference in Reloaded and 3e for Muskets, Pistols and Grenades. It’s a bit finger in the air but the ones below seem to work pretty well):

River Goblin Musket

The Goblins of the Kinkon Delta have developed their own unique weapons following the attacks by Uropean Troops. Able to trade black powder from many sources, the Goblins have found it hard to obtain enough steel to manufacture their own firearms (captured Orc muskets being far too large for them to use singularly). The result was an ingenious weapon made out of tightly bound strips of bamboo wood. As well as being a sturdy weapon, its construction out of wood means that is impervious to the steamy swamps of the Delta, which soon corrodes metal.

0-15cm: 60/4
16-45cm: 30/3
46-60cm: N/A
61-75cm: N/A

River Goblin Pistol

The success of the River Goblin Musket led to the fashioning of a smaller pistol sized weapon perfect for leaders to tuck into their belts. Made from bamboo wood just like its larger brother this pistol is weaker than an iron firelock but it is well suited to the jungle.

0-15cm: 60/4
16-45cm: 20/2
46-60cm: N/A
61-75cm: N/A

Bamboo Bombe

The use of Grenades or Bombe’s (as the Elves call them) is limited outside the Grenadiers of the Catalucian and Witchlands theatres of war but the Kinkon Goblins have come up with their own bamboo inspired version of this type of ordinance. It is a small hollow piece of bamboo containing a charge of black powder and some fuse, wrapped in linen and with several small musket balls as used by the River Goblin Pistol. It is light and easy to carry though weaker than Orcish designs.

0-15cm: 50/5
16-45cm: 35/5
46-60cm: N/A
61-75cm: N/A

Bamboo Cannon

The Kinkon River Goblins do not make use of any iron or brass guns, but they do make use of a unique bamboo cannon which fires a shotte of roughly 3lb in weight. The barrel, the carriage and even the wheels are made of bamboo making the gun very light, and proof against the corrosive effects of the jungles heat but it is also prone to catastrophic failure when used more than a few times in rapid succession. Like other battalion and smaller cannon it requires only a few crew to operate the gun.

Stats: Use the Standard 6lb Field Gun in Grapeshotte, p.29; it fires roundshotte only)

Special Rules: All shots from the cannon have a one range band negative modifier applied to represent the poor quality of the piece. If fired more than twice in any scenario you must roll 1D10 on every subsequent shot and on a result of 6+ the Bamboo cannon will explode. Treat this as a round shot hit from the cannon at point blank range against all who are within 5cm of the gun.

Alternative Armament

Kinkon Goblins may, if Company Sepoys or like troops, be equipped with Dwarf MkI muskets for the normal points cost.

Kinkon Cavalry

Kinkon Goblins also make use of Riding Lizards to cross the distances in the jungles which horses simply could not cope with. These are treated exactly as the Light Lizards as used by the Goblins of Al-Garvey Dragoons and others.

Uropean Commanding Officers

Uropean Officers serving within their own regular armies or with the Honourable East Valonian Company (HEVC) can be added to your Kinkon section. These officers are created and treated in terms of points and equipment just as any other officer and are typically Orcs or Rats if Grand Alliance or Elves if Ferach (Othari for Otharmann sections). Kinkon Goblins will not serve under a Todoroni Officer or a Werewolf officer as both of these peoples are quite terrifying to them!

For these officers we suggest using 51045 Korsucan Ranger Command (Orc Officer), 56119 Blacke Watchit Command (Rat Officer) or 51041 2eme Regt de Ligne Command (Elf Officer) lastly 57010 Household Character Officers (Othari Officer). All of these officers are assumed to be conversant with Kinkon customs and tongues and also capable of using all bamboo and native weapons with no penalties.



The Kinkon Goblins in Slaughterloo

When making use of the Kinkon Goblins in your games of Slaughterloo they may be fielded in the following fashion. They may be Natives, Sepoys or Regular troops though the last is very rare indeed.

Kinkon Native Levy

These Kinkon Goblins possess only melee weapons fashioned in the main of Bamboo and they fight much as the Household Warriors of the Otharmann do, that is that they have little formal military training or drill but they are proficient fighters in their own right. Some of the Goblins have small bows but these are not sufficient to count in ranged combat. They operate in Units of 9-24 and are treated as Irregular Infantry in play, see their profile.

Kinkon Sepoys

While in appearance these Kinkon Goblins look much like a Native Levy they are in fact in the pay of the Honourable East Valonian Company (HEVC) or some other powerful paymaster who has fashioned them into a more effective fighting force while having them to retain their native bamboo weapons. Some of the Goblins have small bows but these are not sufficient to count in ranged combat. They operate in Units of 9-24 and are treated as Irregular Infantry in play.

Kinkon Company Troops

These Goblins wear the uniform of the HEVC or another regular army and have been drilled and equipped with the latest tactics and muskets; they are the pinnacle of Sepoys. Kept for the most difficult tasks these troops are no Orc Line but they are some of the best in the steaming jungles of Kinkon. These Goblins operate in Units of 8-20 and are treated as Regular Infantry with MkI Dwarf Muskets.

Kinkon Bamboo Artillery

While nowhere as effective as the iron and brass cannons of Albion or Armorica the Goblins of Kinkon do make use of a unique light gun make entirely of Bamboo, from the hollowed out log barrel to the wheels and carriage. The crews of these guns may only operate their own unique kind of artillery. All Bamboo cannons are treated as ‘Grasshopper Guns’ (Mountain Guns) and are of a Very Light type only, they may form a battery of up to three guns.

Kinkon Riders

Most of the Kinkon Goblins fight on foot but they do have a few large formations of Lizard Riders who act as scouts and harass the enemy wherever possible. Le Esprit du Garde they ain’t but it beats walking!



Converting Your Goblin Miniatures

If you purchase some of the Kinkon Goblins and wish to alter them into different poses or give them different weapons then this can be done with a small or larger amount of conversion work. The most typical conversions to make to Kinkon Goblins are as follows.

Firstly to create infantry with black powder weapons. Take several carbines or short muskets from your collection (or use the Armourers Pack 59000), Dwarf MkI or MkII muskets are best or use pistols taken from the Bits & Sprues Range (BS004 Blackpowder Guns I).

You can easily cut or snip away the spears carried by the Goblins in pack 53012 and with a small movement of the arms and a small amount of modelling putty you can glue or pin in place a replacement gun. This gives you serviceable Sepoys. Secondly and far more complex as an option is to take your Goblins and as well as changing the weapons is to use modelling putty to overlay the legs and arms of the miniature with cloth, to give them a HEVC style uniform.

The sedge hat can be filed off the head of the Goblin and different headgear added such as a Shako or a bandana. Lastly if you wish to create mounted Kinkon riders then you will need a touch more skill. Taking the vertical spear pose Goblin from 53012 and also several Riding Lizards from 53003 you can snip the Goblin in half at the waist and then using the metal legs separated from the base with some modelling putty change them to a sitting pose that will fit atop the Riding Lizard before re-attaching the upper body with any alterations you have made to it facing forwards or to the side and there you have it, a mounted Kinkon Goblin!

The Alternative Armies parts service can provide you with all items needs for this kind of conversion, ask directly for more information.


Designer's Notes on Kinkon by Gavin Syme

Way back in the mists of ye old tyme, in the first few issues of the ‘Orcs in the Hills’ magazine and a couple of entries in the first ‘Grapeshotte’ artillery expansion for Flintloque there was mention of the Kinkon Delta. This spin off on the official background of Valon saw the ‘Kooks’ of Kinkon taking on the Union of Secessionist Albionites (USA) Orcs using nothing more than the jungle and some bamboo muskets. This was a one off bit of fun which tied a parody of a Napoleonique Vietnam War to the just cause of fighting the Tyrant Mordred. While this article is long consigned to the ancients pile of gaming it might be of interest to some who wish to add just a ‘little’ more insanity to their games of Flintloque. All together now… ‘I see a line of Orcs and their all painted blacke!’

You can read the classic article to which Gavin refers right here on Orcs in the Webbe.


Webmaster's Notes

The above article was originally published on Alternative Armies' Yahoo Group, The Notable Members,  on the 7th November 2007.

I have updated the article for Flintloque 3rd Edition. Any text in red is a change or addition to the original and any text in red italics is a comment from me as to why I've done something or suggesting how you can use the rules as close to the original as possible.
