'Gerard's Bomb'

A Flintloque Scenario by Klaus Fritsch

Colonel Etienne Gerard and a hand picked team take on the might of Doktorov and his re-animator machines is this classic Flintloque scenario set in the frozen Witchlands.


"Where have you put the spare hands?!?" Doktorov's face was as red with anger as an Undead face could possibly be. His medical aides, two Krautian Dwarves, huddled behind one of the large coffers which they had been packing for that day's march. "I'm sure Klaus put them into one of the boxes," Yosephe stammered. "I have not touched them, you must have misplaced them," Klaus objected weakly.

"I don't care whose fault it is! If they have not been found when I need them to repair our troops, I will have to use your hands instead!" With that, the necromancer left the two Dwarves to their misery.

As if he didn't have enough on his hands with preparing his two re-animator units, Doktorov thought. Soon the 7th Corpse of Aleksander the Star Wraith's Army would arrive. All would have to ready by then. There must be no delay in the relentless pursuit of the retreating Elven army.

Kaptain Grigori Dracsul stood on the balcony of his tower, looking at Doktorov's camp and thinking even darker thoughts than usual. Sure, it had been his own idea to invite that blasted, self-important Liche to dinner the night before. He should have known better. But who could have ever guessed that Doktorov would suggest operating on Aurelia, Dracsul's latest bride, in order to improve her looks!

Aurelia had taken that rather badly and locked herself into her coffin. If only Doktorov had not been in favour with the Star Wraith, Dracsul would have gladly ripped his stinking head off. It would take days to persuade Aurelia to come out again.

At least Doktorov would soon leave with the 7th Corpse. Then Dracsul would be rid of that damned fool.


Colonel Etienne Gerard received the report of the reconnaissance party in his hiding-place behind the woods which screened his small force from the view of the enemy in the tower and the camp nearby.

"The troops accompanying the fiendish devices to the left of the tower appear to be making ready for the march," Corporal Boucherd said, "I have only seen two guards on the tower. There are some polostoi in the village to the right of the tower, no big problem. The worst news is that there appears to be a large body of Undead approaching, perhaps a full corps. They will be here soon."

"Then we do not have much time, mes braves," said Gerard. He looked at his hand-picked force. All of them seemed ready and eager to carry out their task.

"Let's go and get them, Colonel," said Lieutenant Constantine and checked his pistol. "Well, everyone knows what to do and what depends on the success of our mission," Gerard looked at each of his men, "Let us then pay a little surprise visit to our Undead friends!"


This scenario is designed for four or five players and an Umpire.

If you intend to take part in this scenario as a player, please do not read any further.



The scenario is intended for four to five players. One should take Doktorov and his unit, one Dracsul and his household guard, one Gerard and the elite Elves, and one or two players should play the two regular Elven infantry sections. The Polostoi are controlled by the GM, except when one of the two Undead characters personally accompanies them.

It is very important that the players are unaware of each other's objectives in the game. Even the player playing Gerard should know nothing of the 50% limit of the other Elves.

The scenario can be played by only two players, even without a GM, but all the interesting uncertainties will be lost. In such a case Doktorov is still not allowed to enter the tower and the two Elven infantry sections must withdraw if they loose more than half of their original strength.


Doktorov's unit and their machines await the arrival of the 7th Corpse of Aleksander's Army in order to accompany the Undead hordes on their pursuit of the retreating Elven army. Doktorov chose to wait near to the home of the powerful vampire, Kaptain Grigori Dracsul. During the dinner the evening before, Doktorov made some tactless suggestions as to how he could enhance the beauty of Dracsul's bride, Aurelia, with a few minor surgical tricks. Mortally offended, Aurelia locked herself into her coffin. Dracsul more or less threw Doktorov out of his tower, but the good doctor, inebriated by the good wine, did not recognise this throwing-out for what it was, bade the vampire good night and staggered off to his camp.

A small Elven task force under Colonel Etienne Gerard is going to try to destroy the re-animator units in order to reduce the rate at which the undead can replace their casualties. They have 20 turns to fulfil their task, after that the approaching 7th Corpse of the undead army will arrive and surely overwhelm them.

Scenario Forces


Gerard's Section

Colonel Etienne Gerard: A Veteran of an Elite unit, the 10th Crown Hussars, leads the Elven forces. He is armed with a High Elf Duelling Pistol and a Sword. To win, he must destroy both re-animator units within 20 turns. Destroying only one of the units means a draw.

Sappeur Jerome Idril: An Experienced combat engineer from an Elite unit, is responsible for blowing up the re-animator units. He is armed with a High Elf Duelling pistol and an Engineer's Axe. He also carries three black powder charges. Idril is an experienced combat engineer and if he sets the charges, he can decide whether they will go off in 1, 2, 3 or 4 turns. Colonel Gerard and Lieutenant Constantine have a basic knowledge of mines. If they set the charges, they can choose the time of explosion, but the GM should also roll a D6 secretly. The results 1 or 2 mean the charge explodes a turn too early, 5 or 6 mean a turn too late, and with a 3 or 4 the charge explodes as intended. If any other elf should try to detonate the charges, the GM should secretly roll a D4 and deduct 1 from the result to get the turn the charge explodes. Charges go off in the Fire Phase of the turn and use the mortar template (8 cm diameter). The explosion destroys any re-animator unit caught under the template and wounds characters according to the table on page 27 in Grapeshotte.

4iemes Voltigeurs

The 4iemes Voltigueurs are an Elite, Light Infantry section.

Lieutenant Louis Filibande: Experienced, armed with a Sword and a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Corporal Lucas Boucherd: Experienced, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Alain Leonesse: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet. Leonesse is a crack shot and receives the Aimed Fire Bonus every time he shoots.
Voltigeur Pierre Picarde: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet. Picarde has already seen sights no Elf has seen before. Therefore he receives a +1 bonus to his Morale Modifiers.
Voltigeur Michel Elanorre: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.


Constantine's Section

Lieutenant Athièn Constantine: An Experienced soldier form the regular 64ieme Regiment de Ligne, commands the following two units. He answers only to Colonel Gerard. Constantine is armed with a High Elf Duelling Pistol and a Sword. His mission is to divert the undead forces present from Gerard's little group. At the same time he has to preserve his forces. For Constantine to win, Gerard must succeed in blowing up at least one of the re-animator units and both of Constantine's units must not have lost more than one half of their initial strength.

The units under his command are the 64ieme Regiment De Ligne and the 27ieme Voltigeurs De Ligne.

64ieme Regiment De Ligne

The 64ieme Regiment De Ligne is a Regular Infantry section.

Sergeant Jean Galdor: Experienced, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Corporal Jardine Eläonesse: Experienced, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Lathron DeGalis: Experienced, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Elrond Perimones: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Valarian Amant: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Certianne Uriens: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Metheire Galehàde;: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Ferech Poncequer: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Didier Salmar: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Moron Neithan: Raw, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Antoine Echoriath: Raw, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Fusilier Fabrice Tiryon: Raw, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.


27ieme Voltigeurs De Ligne

The 27ieme Voltigeurs De Ligne are a Regular, Light Infantry section.

Sergeant Pierre Boulabaise: Experienced, armed with a Sword and a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.

Corporal Philippe Maigret: Experienced, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.

Voltigeur Jacques Toujours: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Signeur LaCroque: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Johan Pour LaMerit: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Caspar Aldaque: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Jean Tremere: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Jean-Marie Escargot: Average, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Frederique Fromage: Raw, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.
Voltigeur Alain Venture: Raw, armed with a High Elf Musket with Bayonet.


Doktorov's Section

Doctorov's Re-Animator Unit is from the Kommisariat Gravisky Bureov.

Doktorov: The Experienced KGB liche in charge of the two re-animator units. Doktorov is armed with a Bone Saw (+2) and a Standard Pistol.

The day before, Doktorov was invited to dinner by Dracsul. During the evening, Dracsul's over-sensitive bride must have taken offence at some harmless remark. Dracsul asked him to leave and Doktorov rejoined his personal guard and his inept medics at his camp.

His objective in the game is to keep both re-animator units safe for 20 turns. After that time the regiments of the undead army will arrive. He can protect his units in whatever way he sees fit, such as transporting them to the village, into the woods or into the tower. He cannot leave the table with them. Doktorov is accompanied by his dwarven aides and a section of KGB infantry. Doktorov and the KGB Zombies never make morale rolls, the two dwarfs are subject to morale. For more background on Doktorov and the Medics see "Orcs in the Hills" #8.

The small, mobile re-animator unit can be moved by two characters at their walking rate or by one at half the walking rate. The large, stationary unit (we used the model from "Dr. Mordenheims Laboratory" by Ral Partha) can be pushed by two characters at half their walking rate or by one character at his crawl rate.

The Medics

Doktorov's assistants are mortal Dwarves. They are subject to normal Morale rules.

Medic Klaus: an Average, Regular Dwarf armed with a Knife.
Medic Yosephe: an Average, Regular Dwarf armed with a Knife.

Kommisariat Gravisky Bureov Infantry Section

The Zombies, like Doktorov, never make any kind of morale roll.

Sergeant Mastikov: Experienced, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Pistol and an Axe.
Korporal Vanderwaalov: Experienced, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Pistol and an Axe.
Private Calachnikov: Experienced, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Malakov: Average, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Stolinsky: Average, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Heyerov: Average, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Sodov: Average, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Bugerov: Average, KGB Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.


Dracsul's Section

Kaptain Grigori Dracsul's House Guard

Kaptain Grigori Dracsul: An Experienced Vampire, armed with a Sword and a High Elf Duelling Pistol. Dracsul has the magical ability "Evil Mist".

During the dinner at Dracsul's Tower the evening before, Doktorov made some tactless suggestions as to how he could enhance the beauty of Dracsul's bride Aurelia with a few minor surgical tricks. Mortally offended, Aurelia locked herself into her coffin. Dracsul threw Doktorov out of his tower.

Dracsul's objective is to let nobody into his tower, especially not Doktorov after what happened at dinner. Dracsul wins if he and his household guards are in sole possession of the tower at the end of the game. The only exception are the polostoi who can be brought into the tower to bolster its defence. Dracsul can win an even better victory if the re-animator units are not destroyed, but he cannot let them into the tower.

At the beginning of the game, two Zombies are standing guard on the tower's ramparts. Everyone else is inside.

For the tower we used the "Wizard's Tower" available from CCI (CC25 3402F). This sturdy cardboard model works really well with this scenario.

Karlov Igoriev: An Average Golem. Karlov Igoriev is the household and butler Golem of the Dracsul Household. He has a defence factor of 4 and 6 wounds. He can crawl 4 cm and walk 16 cm. He cannot run. In hand-to-hand combat Karlov has a modifier of +3. The Golem can only be given one order at a time and only by Dracsul. He will continue to follow that order until he receives a new one.

Corporal Smirnov: Experienced Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Vladivarov: Experienced Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Chekov: Average Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Pizzov: Average Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Naffov: Average Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Private Vucov: Raw Zombie, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.


The Polostoi

These are the undead inhabitants of a village near to Dracsul's tower. Although nominally subjects of Grigori Dracsul, they will follow the orders of both undead leaders: Dracsul and Doktorov. If the character remains with them, they are controlled by the respective player. Otherwise they will follow the last order given to them and are controlled by the GM. Their initial order is to defend the village.

Plebov: Average Skeleton, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Kandinsky: Average Skeleton, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Kowalsky: Average Skeleton, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Levandovsky: Average Skeleton, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Stravinskov: Raw Skeleton, armed with a Standard Musket and Bayonet.
Prolov: Raw Skeleton, armed with an Axe and a Pitchfork (+1).
Gormiov: Raw Skeleton, armed with a Pitchfork (+1).


Terrain and Conditions

The Table

gerards bomb map

Rocky Areas

Several pebbles should be randomly placed in the rocky areas. These will represent boulder fields. Characters sheltering behind boulders should receive a -50% bonus to being hit.


The scenario takes place during clear conditions. There are no modifiers for Movement or Firing due to weather.


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A Note on Ettiene Gerard

Gerard was a cracking Elven hero from the early days of Flintloque who showed up in a number of scenarios. A fitting character for those who prefered playing Elves of equal literary value to Albion's famous Orc, Sharke. He is based on a character appearing in some of Arthur Conan Doyles' stories from Strand magazine, originally published between December 1894 and September 1903. You can find out more about the 'real' Gerard, including the books he appears in on the Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia on the following link: https://www.arthur-conan-doyle.com/index.php/Brigadier_Gerard .

For those of you wanting more of the Valonian Ferach Elf Gerard in your Flintloque games, click here or on the  maroon  tag at the end of this article. 


Webmaster's Notes

"Gerard's Bomb" was originally published on Mike Baumann's Flintloque website 'Filbanto Stew' at some point in the late 90s.

I'm pretty sure it has featured on a previous version of Orcs in the Webbe. However, it has been absent for a number of years likely due to errors made when updating/porting previous versions into a new Content Management System. That wrong has now been righted and it returned on the 2nd December 2023 as the second entry in that years Advent Calendar and is part of Orcs in the Webbe's ongoing Flintloque Archive Project.

All the comments in maroon are mine and have been included to to provide additional information or clarity and enable you to play the above scenario with the current Flintloque 3rd Edition rules. I may have also made small changes to grammar and layout but have not marked these.

I'd like to thank Mike Baumann for searching through his archives to find the original map for the scenario's original inclusion here on Orcs in the Webbe.