'Hargus An’ The Weech Queen'

A Flintloque Short Story and Scenario Seed

 hargus an the weech queen advent 07

We see how Lieutenant Hargus became the commander of the feared Joccian regiment nicknamed 'The Wiches Hoard'.


The blackened sky, bloated with the smoke from fires of a thousand burning bodies on the battlefield, echoed the horror of the battle and what had come to the land. The day had been won but at a horrible cost. Gwen Scavendish moved among the dead, applying mystical ointments and salves that would aid their movement into the afterlife. She was the Rat Witch Queen of Glenmorgain. Her powers were both feared and revered. It was said that she could bring the dead back to life, a fact neither proven nor disproven. The ointment she applied was literally an anti-dead balm, a preventative against the dead rising. She had prepared it for this battle as her vision had foretold the coming of night and her sway over the living. The Dark Mother took life and stained Clotho's weave dark black. This day she had taken her fill, and Gwen would see that the Dark Mother's touch would not call the dead to walk again.

General McDugal languished over his maps and feasted with his men, all absurd, all slated for Gwen’s attentions something no living being sought. Her attentions brought  death, and usually a slow death at that. McDugal would have had her shot for being on his battlefield if he thought he could escape her revenge, which he could not.

She wandered up to the table where McDugal toiled and paused. Looking at him, her eyes flared deep purple fires.

"McDugal, ye wult tek yer men an leaf hear, it be damned. Me visions ha furtold o da eyvul a dis place an twil geev rise ta da deed, they wilt walk agin. Lakhesis ha uncut da treds a teem across dees pla, an geen da deed tha spark neet ta make dem lif. I ha a seen signs o tha Barovian sacearer Dragkzucil, he eez ha bult I na no war ore I da bateel wi heem. Hees ilk wa cas da dead o dis pla ta rise. Yu weel doo ahz I sa, fer da gult o Joccia, an I geeve ya an ahur ta do eet."

"Lass ya must ha hit ya head durin da battle. I ha won, certainly we'll naught be leevin. I ha herd o tha tales o ya witchery." He and his men laughed heartily at that. "An I da na belee a wort uv it. I ha seen nutin ta meeke me beliefe en yu or yur power. Ya only heer az a fava ta me frient. Bee goln fram mey site afer I ha ya threwn in chans."

With that statement he took his last breath. Moving too swiftly for any Rat to stop she pulled her dagger and threw it at McDugal. Flipping end over end it sped towards his chest. Plunging deep into his heart it took his life. She was on him, grabbed the dagger out and spun slicing as she went. Throats spewed red fluid in her passing. In the blink of an eye the general and his men were dead. Glancing about Gwen sheathed her dagger and moved into kiss the general, on his eyes. Licking them, she absorbed his vision and saw what he'd recently seen. The battle, the men dying, and an Elf handing the general a document. Searching the general she withdrew the document and read it. It spoke of a deal between McDugal and the Elves. This battle had been arranged. Gwen, reaching through time, through the fabric of reality called the General back, back from the Dark Mother's embrace into this world. Her will pulled him and closed the hole in Clotho's weave. His eyes opened, glazed and dark they stared into this world, a world no longer meant for him.

She spoke, "McDugal, fer ya criems agin tha mutherlan I curse ye ta wulk thees lan an surv me!"

The struggle against the Dark Mother and McDugal almost consumed her as her essence flowed into the vortex of the universe to bring about the change. Rocking on her heels and steading on the map table she came back from the edge of death. Having faced the Dark Mother one more time her strength grew, as was usual.

McDugal's vacant stare would have caused alarm for even the most seasoned veteran, but not her. She had seen the dark side of the universe and laughed at it. It was at this moment when the first lieutenant Hargus approached the table, surveyed the scene and realized he was now in charge, but only by a slim margin.

"Ya keen na do such tings Gwen. Ya canat keell men an expect da uthrs ta follo ya. Ey suppose dat I be in charge naw an it be up ta me ta lead dis army."

"Aye it be up ta ya, boot ya keen na ignore mi councle."

"I'll take wha I do lady, an naut a pence moor. Ya hav me wurd dat I'll listen but Ey na be ordered abut. I keen asure ya dat ya are naut in charge o me army, but I will listen."

Standing there she realized that this man, this leader would not be taken in by charm, by guile. She had had few words with him in the past, not enough to know him. She also knew that his hand was on his pistol and he did not fear her, a mistake. Without knowing if he would be a good leader but knowing that the army would not follow her, nor abide by another death she reluctantly extended her cold hand of agreement.

Looking her in the eye, he leaned in close and spoke, "Ya wurd is gult, ore so I ha hurd. An so I accept eet ba kno tha I keen be harsh ta tose da wa na follow me orders. Ya agree to abide by them an ya do ay I sey or I'll ha na trek wi ya. Ya agree ta mi turms ore ya walk away na!"

Her hand did not move away, and after a time he took it. His vice grip verged on crushing her hand. But she did not wince or back down. And so an agreement was made, on the field of Cushing, in the northern land of the Ferach. And out of it was borne the Joccian 1st. Some would call it the Witches Horde, others would come to know it as Hargus' Anvil. The might of their union would change the face of battle for years to come.


Scenario Seed

Having heard of the 1st Joccian's movement into the Northern lands of Ferach. Tetrabou of the 2nd lancers was ordered to engage their flank and assess their might.

Moving through the highlands Lieutenant Tetrabou's forces had been dogged and chased by Hargus’ Anvil. Overlooking a cliff Tetrabou chose to make his stand here, hopefully giving his fastest horse enough time to flee with word of the advancing forces and their strength.

Map and Setup

Players will need a 3’x3’ table with which to setup. Designate the Northern board edge as the cliff, no terrain may be placed within three inches of the board edge. Players will setup their armies facing off with the cliff board edge along the North of their forces.

Five pieces of hindering terrain, no larger than 2"x2", are brought to the table. Three pieces of blocking terrain, no larger than 2"x2", are brought to the table. Up to three hills are brought. Players roll off to determine player one. Player two places the first piece of terrain.

Players alternate placing terrain until either all terrain is placed, or no more room for terrain is available. Terrain pieces must be at least three inches apart and must be at least three inches from each board edge.

Scenario Objectives

Joccian player's objective is to diminish the Ferach forces to at least 1/3 of its original size and composition.


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Webmaster's Notes

'Hargus An’ The Weech Queen' was first published in 60 Bloody Rounds Issue 1 on the 29th March 2008 and is included with kind permission from the author.

It was first published on Orcs in the Webbe on the 7th December 2024 as the seventh entry in that year's Advent Calendar.