'Blackpowder & Bloodshoot Eyes'

A Flintloque Scenario by Tommy Boyd

After a night of indulgence, Sharke and his Rifles are caught napping by some Voltiguers, as are the Dark Elf Senortias from the night before...


Private Arris opened his eyes just slightly, and immediately squeezed them shut. The mid-day sun was so bright he had to squint just to keep his head from splitting wide open. He had definitely had too much of the local wine last night, and the fiesta thrown by the local inhabitants to welcome their Orc allies had gone far too long into the morning. Around him, the Orc Rifles sprawled on the ground in various stages of consciousness, avoiding the inevitable need to face today's hangover. At least they were safe. For the first time in weeks, the chosen Orcs were well behind the lines, and safe from attack.

Lieutenant Merde pushed his men hard. The Elf Voltigeurs were lost, and long overdue for their rendezvous with the column. His map, or rather, what was left of it, bore little resemblance to the terrain he was moving through. Perhaps the inhabitants of the village ahead would be of help.

Stumbling across the village common, Private Arris headed for a tree to requisition as his personal latrine. As he stepped through the village gate, he spotted someone approaching…


This scenario was intended as a demonstration game, for a referee and up to six players. The referee controls the Elf Voltigeurs and the Dark Elf Senoritas, while each player controls one or more of Sharke's Rifles.

The terrain is a village of 6 or more buildings, plus trees, hedges, walls, etc... set in the middle of the table.

The Elves enter the table from the far edge, and will walk in a loose column toward the village until they spot the Orcs moving, or are fired upon.

The Rifles begin the game prone in the centre of the village, surrounded by the remains of the fiesta; tables, boxes, Dark Elf Senoritas, etc... Place markers to indicate the locations of their equipment (rifles & ammo), which they would have set aside (under a tree, by a building, etc...) for the party. To simulate the after-effects of the fiesta, roll a D100 per figure on the following chart:

D100 Condition Effects (Will Last for Entire Game)
01-25 Fine None
26-75 Hungover Shooting: -10%
Hand-to-Hand: -1
Morale: -1
76-100 Drunk Moving: Distance moved -% chance of stumbling
Shooting: -10%
Hand-to-Hand: -1
Morale: -1


 Condition Modifiers 
 Experienced  -10%
 Average  -
Raw  +10%
Sergeant Harpy  -25%
 Private 'Arris  -10%
Private Tunge  +25%

On each turn, each arc has a 10% (cumulative) chance of awaking to natures call (modified per the Condition Modifiers chart). When an Orc awakes, he will walk towards the nearest tree, and spend 2 move tending to business. When finished, he may move freely, but must explain each action first, and the GM will decide if he spots the approaching Elves. Sharke's whistle will wake all of the Orcs, and a gunshot will wake all of the Orcs and Senoritas, otherwise the Orcs must be mustered by vigorous shaking (2 move).

Once the battle is joined, each Senorita will run (or walk when required) in a random direction each turn. She will continue to do so until she runs into a doorway, which she will enter, and remain in until the shooting is over. If a Senorita runs into an Elf, she will attack. If she runs into an Orc, she will attach herself to him and follow him wherever he goes, (Place the Senorita behind the Orc). While she is attached, the Orc gains the following modifiers:

 Moving  Shooting  Hand-to-Hand  Melee
 -50%  -10%  -2 +2


Scenario Forces

The Orcs

Use Sharke's Rifles as described in the Flintloque rulebook.

The Elf Voltigeurs

Lt Merde's section is a crack unit, and therefore treated as Elite. He and his Sgt. are Experienced. They lead 2 Experienced, 4 Average and 2 Raw Privates.

The Senoritas

The Rifle's companions from the fiesta are 6 Raw Dark Elves. Treat as Militia. They are unarmed, but may use improvised weapons. They may pick up a loaded firearm and use it, but may not reload.


Webmaster's Notes

The 'Blackpowder & Bloodshot Eyes' was originally published on Tommy Boyd's long gone "Loque, Stoque & Barrelle" website and is reprinted here with permission from the author.

The scenario was first published on Orcs in the Webbe at some point near it's inception in 2004. It was absent for several years due to a prior regeneration of the website not transferring everything over correctly. That wrong has now been righted and it returned in it's original form on the 8th December 2024 as the eighth entry in that year's Advent Calendar and, of course, is part of Orcs in the Webbe's ongoing Flintloque Archive Project.

Any comments in maroon in the article above have been added by me either to provide additional information or clarity. I may also have made small changes to grammar and layout but have not marked these.
