"Panzerfäuste Scenario Generator"
by Ben Honey
Sometimes it can be handy to be able to generate an objective when playing a game of Panzerfäuste on the fly, here is a short table to start you off!
'Right lads, now we're far enough away from the camp, time to tell you what we is really going to be doing'
Sometimes it can be handy to be able to generate an objective when playing a game ofPanzerfäuste, so here is a short table to start you off, please feel free to improve as you see fit. All options assume you are playing on a table 6’ width x 4’ length, so alter accordingly if not.
Players may either roll once for the game and have the same objective, or roll once per side and, if each player has their own objective, then the details should be rolled secretly and then revealed as needed.
A player gets a minor victory for each of the following:
1. They manage to achieve their objective
2.They stop their opponent from achieving theirs
3. They finish the game with at least half their starting section
Two Minor victories mean a major victory, and achieving all three counts as a General Victory!
D6 roll
1- Aid Drop
2- Secret Meeting
3- Scout the Enemy
4- Rescue the Pilot
5- Find the Generals lasses
6- Traitor
Aid Drop
Three crates are being dropped and will land on the table. One of them has a message that need to be picked up, while the other two are decoys.
After the table has been set up and deployment zones have been chosen, but before sections are deployed , the first crate lands 30cm east from the western short table edge and 46cm from the southern long table edge. The second crate lands 60cm east of the first crate and 61cm from the southern table edge and the third crate lands 60cm east of the second crate and 76cm from the southern table edge.
When a model reaches a crate and uses an action to search, roll a d12: on a 9+ it contains the message. The last crate searched automatically contains the message if it hasn’t already been found, which is then automatically picked up by that model. It costs one action to pass a message to another model, or to pick up a message dropped by a fallen model.
If a section manages to get the message off the board, it counts as a victory.
In addition, each crate contains lots of food item, ne of which will be automatically picked up each time a crate is searched in addition to an message found, and will give +2 guts (up to a maximum of 9 Guts.
Secret Meeting
Your section has arranged to meet an informant in this area, and receive information which you then need to take back to your leaders.
After the table has been set up and deployment zones have been chosen, but before sections are deployed, secretly note the location you are to meet your informant, which will be at a point 50cm+(D12x5)cm from the southern long table edge you deployed from and 40cm+(D12x5)cm from the western short table edge. When a soldier get to this point, if they spend two actions Watching (involves rolling a D12 for no effect, keeping still, and assumes the model is talking to their informant), they then receive a message. It costs one action to pass a message to another model, or to pick up a message dropped by a fallen model.
If your section manages to get the message off the board, it counts as a victory.
Rescue the Pilot
A friendly pilot has been shot down in this area, and your job is to find them and escort them safely from the table.
After the table has been set up and deployment zones have been chosen, but before sections are deployed, secretly note the location where the pilot is, which will be at a point 50cm+(D12x5)cm from the southern long table edge you deployed from and 40cm+(D12x5)cm from the Eastern short table edge. When a soldier get to this point, if they spend two actions Watching (involves rolling a D12 for no effect, keeping still, and assumes the model is looking for the pilot), A civilian model should then be then be placed on the table next to your model, armed with a pistol, Guts value of 7. The pilot gets two actions per turn, and counts as a member of your section and may be activated as such unless captured by an enemy soldier.
If the pilot is involved in a melee combat, if the enemy model wins, they may choose to capture the pilot rather than damage them, which means that when the enemy soldier moves (and may only move at half normal movement), the pilot stays in base to base contact with them and may not do anything else. If the enemy soldier is attacked in combat or does any other action other than move, the pilot stops counting as being captured and may move as normal in their next activation unless they become captured again. You may shoot at a soldier that has captured a pilot, but you risk a 50% chance you hit the pilot instead and may wound them as normal. If the weapon does at least two hits, roll for each hit to see if it is on the pilot. If the pilot is reduced to 2 or less Guts or killed outright, leave the model on its side, as a player may opt to carry the model on, either by one model who can move at 1/2 speed, or by two models which will be at normal speed while doing so.
If the pilot manages to walk/be carried off a friendly or an enemy board edge, it counts as a victory for that player involved.
Scout the Enemy
This is a chance to scout ahead to give important information about enemy formations which could be vital for the forthcoming battle.
During the game, if a soldier from your side can get to a spot within 12cm of enemy table edge/ in enemy deployment and then spend two actions there Watching (involves rolling a D12 for no effect, keeping still, and assumes the model is peering off table noting enemy movements) then manages to get back to their own table edge, or can send one action passing this information onto another soldier which is able to get back to their table edge, then this is a victory.
A soldier can use their first action to move, then use their second action to watch and then next turn use an action to watch and this counts as having observed long enough.
Find Generals Glasses
Your beloved leader, General Incompetence, has left his glasses somewhere in the area. You have been ordered to go and find them and bring them back.
After the table has been set up and deployment zones have been chosen, but before sections are deployed, secretly split up the middle part of the table into 6 areas, 2’ x1’ rectangles. In each of these 6 areas, declare a model is spending an action Watching (involves rolling a D12 and finding the glasses on a 9+, though a failure does not count as a guts fail). You only need roll once in each of the 6 areas, and if you spend the action Watching in the 6th area, you will succeed in finding the glasses if you hadn’t already. It costs one action to pass the glasses to another model, or to pick up the glasses dropped by a fallen model.
If your section manages to get the glasses off the board, it counts as a victory.
There is a traitor on the enemy side who is actually a supporter of your side, whether due to be blackmailed, sympathetic, needs to find a safe house or another reason.
After the table has been set up and deployment zones have been chosen, but before sections are deployed, secretly roll a D12 and note the model that corresponds to that number (rerolling any results that are related to the section leader.
That model starts the game under the control of their player and acts as normal. Only when one of your soldiers get within 20cm of that model will things change. At this point the soldier becomes a member of your section, and is activated as normal as part of your section, unless captured by an enemy soldier.
If the traitor is involved in a melee combat, if the enemy model wins, they may choose to capture the traitor rather than damage them, which means that when the enemy soldier moves (and may only move at half normal movement), the traitor stays in base to base contact with them and may not do anything else. If the enemy soldier is attacked in combat or does any other action other than move, the traitor stops counting as being captured and may move as normal in their next activation unless they become captured again. You may shoot at a soldier that has captured a traitor, but you risk a 50% chance you hit the traitor instead and may wound them as normal. If the weapon does at least two hits, roll for each hit to see if it is on the traitor. If the traitor is reduced to 2 or less Guts or killed outright, leave the model on its side, as a player may opt to carry the model on, either by one model who can move at 1/2 speed, or by two models which will be at normal speed while doing so.
If the traitor manages to walk/be carried off a friendly or an enemy board edge, it counts as a victory for that player involved.
Webmaster's Notes
An Orcs in the Webbe Original! This scenario was written exclusively for Orcs in the Webbe and was first published on the 4th December 2018 as part of its 2018 Advent Calendar.