An Excerpt from Pax Bochemannica: Legio IX - The Return of The Ninth by Mac Coxhead
An Orcs in the Webbe Exclusive!
We bring you an excerpt from the unpublished first expansion to Pax Bochemannica, Legio IX - The Return of The Ninth. Rules introducing magic to your games of SPQoRc: Pax Bochemannica...
A Noman Orc
Painted, Based and Photographed by Tony Harwood
The Nomans use very little magic; most of what they do have is centred on keeping the masses happy rather than battle magic. There is however a low-level magical field generated by the Legion standard, which tends to block or reduce the effectiveness of spells cast in its vicinity.
Magic to the Boche is a different matter entirely. The Boche have no pantheon of divinities, they worship a single Goddess - Khylie of the Silver Disc. Boche Magic is the domain of the Priests of Khylie, led by the High Priests: Schtuck, Achtung and Wasserpferd. Individually these High Priest’s powers are:
Schtuck – Spells
Achtung – Glamours
Wasserpferd – illusions.
When the three are together their powers are increased beyond the sum of their individual strengths.
Magic Use
There are three levels of magic:
Skills or Minor Magics: Available to 20% of any unit.
Skills may be used as an action and replace part or all of the movement phase in any turn. Low magic usually takes effect during the turn in which it is cast.
To ascertain the number, if any, of your characters that have Skills roll one D6 and refer to the following table:
Number in Unit | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 |
Dice Roll | Number of Troops with Skills | |||
1-2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
3-4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
5-6 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Skilful characters may have up to 2 of the following skills. Roll one D10 to determine each skill and refer to the table below. If you roll the same number twice for a character, Hard Luck, the gods obviously hate you and your character has only the one skill. The figure in brackets represents a minus modifier to movement on the turn in which each skill is used.
D10 Roll : Skill Gained
1 : Light Fire
2 : Light Witch-fire
3 : Stealth
4 : Berserk
5 : Flatulence
6 : Unlock door
7 : Keen-Eye
8 : Strong-Arm
9 : Elf Ears
10 : Cheeky Cheery Chappie
1. Light Fire – the ability to light a fire in normal conditions (25%)
2. Light Witch-fire – the ability to light fire in any conditions using any organic material. Character may not make any other action during this turn. If character receives wound or is engaged in hand-to-hand combat this turn, Witch-fire fails. (100%)
3. Stealth – the ability to move undetected if range from nearest enemy is over ten centimetres. Characters using stealth may not be fired upon or reacted to. Stealth may be used for a maximum of three consecutive turns in any ten turns. Characters using stealth may not approach closer than 11 cm to any enemy. If enemy movement brings stealth character within 10cm range stealth character may elect to ‘hide’ for up to two turns, in which he may take no actions whatever. How you choose to represent stealthy movement and hiding is up to you, but I suggest removing the character from the table and rely on honesty or draw a sketch map of the character’s position. If you have a GM for the game it is of course much simpler. (50%)
4. Berserk – This is the only skill that takes a whole turn to activate. For one turn your character’s only action is to get madder and madder! He may take no action other than to defend himself in hand-to-hand combat. The following turn, if your character hasn’t been disturbed from his anger by a thoughtless missile wound or being engaged in hand-to-hand combat by a tactless enemy, he will go BERSERK! The Berserk state lasts for a maximum of three turns during which time the character may move at up to 1.5 times his charge movement each turn. (That’s one and one half times, not 15 times!) Wounds have no effect on the character unless they equal or exceed his wound points. (In which case he is rather dead!) The character adds +2 to his dice rolls in hand-to-hand combat. The character may not engage in missile fire. The character is excused from morale tests during a turn in which he successfully prepares for a Berserk or is Berserk. After a Berserk the character is out of action for D10 turns, any wounds the character may have received are applied cumulatively and the resulting out of action is added to the total. Characters may use the Berserk skill only once during any game. (1 Turn)
5. Flatulence – Some would call it a skill, others an over active bowel or poor dietary control, whatever… Your character is prone to bouts of extreme and uncontrollable flatulence, very definitely fruity. If this is the character that also has Stealth, you’ve got real problems. Units including a Flatulent character may not use Ambush. At the start of each turn roll 1 x D6; a roll of 2 or under means an attack of farting. Flatulence has the following effects: during an attack of farting the character has a -25 modifier to shooting, any friendly within 5cm also has a –10 to shooting. Any green character of either side, will attempt to move D6 cm directly away from the farter. Character gains +2 in hand-to-hand combat. Characters who have a Flatulence attack during a Stealth move are immediately visible to the enemy. (+10%)
6. Unlock door – the character may open any door or locked item. (75%)
7. Keen Eye – Character may gain an extra +25 modifier to shooting. (50%)
8. Strong-arm – character has a good throwing arm. Shift one column left on the shooting table for all hurled weapons. (0%)
9. Elf-Ears – Character gains keen hearing. Can detect Stealth character within 20cm radius. Unit containing Character using this skill on turn prior to Ambush is not surprised. (25%)
10. Cheeky Cheery Chappie – You’ve seen him in the old black and white War films. He’s the one who cheers everyone up when they’re in a tight corner. Characters using this skill affect all friendlies within a 20cm radius. Characters affected add 2 to morale test dice roll. At end of turn during which this skill is used roll one D6, a score of 6 means that the unit can no longer stand the little twerp and have murdered him!
Glamours, Spells or Illusions
Available to the Schtuck, Achtung and Wasserpferd
Glamours, Spells and Illusions are usually cast over two game turns and will take effect from the end of the second turn. Glamours are specific and may only be cast at an individual or closely grouped unit. The effects of Glamours vary and may be used to enhance, or to degrade, dependant on whether they are cast on friends or enemies.
Spells may affect wider areas of the battlefield, for instance changing weather conditions.
Illusions are battlefield events and will affect all characters with a line of sight to them except in special circumstances. For example, the illusion of a 50 foot tall giant would be visible to almost everyone on the battlefield, whereas a swarm of rats would only be visible to those close by.
Schtuck, Boche High Priest of Words
The power of Schtuck is in his words. Schtuck has Words of Power; if he speaks these to any character there is a chance the words will be effective. Schtuck is able to utter Words of Power at any time within a game turn, but only one word per turn.
The Words of Power are as follows:
Stay – Target freezes for 1 turn and may take no action except to defend in hand-to-hand combat.
Heel – Target will move toward caster at WALK speed for next available move.
Roll Over – Target will collapse – OUT OF ACTION – for 1 turn.
Seize – Target will immediately move to attack nearest enemy; continuing until engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
Away – Target will move directly away from caster at RUN speed for next available move.
Come By – Target will move toward caster at RUN speed for next available move.
Gercha – Target will FLEE for D6 moves.
Leave It – Target will break off hand-to-hand combat if possible and FLEE for one turn.
Fetch – Target will move at fastest speed allowable until they contact caster. Target will then drop any items they are carrying, including weapons and shield. The following turn target will FLEE for one turn.
Good Boy – Target character or group within 5cm radius of target will receive +2 to any morale throws for 2 turns. If target is FLEEING or ROUTING target or group ceases to FLEE or ROUT.
Roll 2 x D10 or a D100 and refer to the table below. Score must be equal to or lower than the percentage at that range for spell to succeed.
Word of Power |
Up to 10cm |
Up to 20cm |
Stay! |
70% |
40% |
Heel! |
80% |
50% |
Roll over! |
40% |
10% |
Sieze! |
90% |
60% |
Away! |
65% |
55% |
Come by! |
70% |
40% |
Gercha! |
40% |
20% |
Leave it! |
50% |
40% |
Fetch! |
30% |
20% |
Good boy! |
70% |
5% |
Achtung, Boche High Priest of Glamours and The Power Chord
Achtung can cast glamours with music from his lyre. He also has one spell – The Power Chord. Glamours will take one turn of undisturbed meditation before they can be cast, and take effect at the beginning of the following turn – Glamours take effect before any other action or declaration. The Power Chord may be used at any time within a game turn, but Achtung needs two complete turns to recover before he can use it again. During this time he may not prepare to cast a Glamour.
The Power Chord – Is an area effect spell and affects all characters within a 30cm radius of Achtung. The effects last for the rest of the turn unless otherwise stated. Effects are similar to both sides. Schtuck and Wasserpferd are immune to the effects of The Power Chord – they both claim to have written it (or ‘wrote it’ in the case of Wasserpferd)
1. No effect
2. Flee
3. Out of Action
4. Freeze
5. Freeze for 2 turns
6. Rout – no turn limit
Roll 1 x D10 and refer to the table below:
Die Roll |
Maximum range from Achtung |
5cm |
10cm |
15cm |
20cm |
25cm |
30cm |
Result from list above |
1 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
7 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
9 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
10/0 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
No character may enter the effect area during the duration of The Power Chord.
Achtung may use up to two Glamours in each game. Each Glamour may be used only once per game. Boche player must declare Glamours for Achtung at the start of the game – i.e. “Today I will mostly be using…”
Each Glamour below has different qualities and effects. Some Glamours affect an area, some are directional and some may target specific characters.
Roadblock – Targets an area 10cm in diameter and centre can be placed up to 15cm from caster in any direction. All characters within affected area freeze for D6 Turns, players to dice individually for each affected character – a roll of 6 for any character means he is unaffected.
Too Many Broken Hearts – Affects all enemy units within 30cm of caster. Affected characters must make a morale test at –2 to their dice roll.
Better The Khylie You Know - Affects all friendly units within 15cm radius of caster. Affected characters add +2 to any morale roll for the remainder of this turn.
Spinning Around - Targets single Noman character within 25cm of Achtung. Affected character will fall under Boche player’s control for 1 x D6 turns. Target need not be identified until the Glamour is cast. Should no target be in range when the Glamour is cast, the Glamour counts as having been used.
Take Steps - Targets any single Noman character within 30cm or will affect group if within 5cm of target. Affected character(s) will FLEE for one turn.
Wasserpferd, Boche High Priest of Illusion
Bald-Pate Wasserpferd is the master of illusion. Illusions are the most time consuming of all magicks. They take a turn of concentrated preparation, a second turn of casting and activate at the beginning of the third turn.
Illusions have a very wide effect and affect all units within range.
Wasserpferd may use only one illusion per game and has no other spells or skills.
Choose one Illusion from the following three and declare it at the beginning of the game. The Illusion may then be prepared at any time during the game.
The Enormus Pile of Masculine Bovine Dung
This is quite a favourite of Wasserpferd‘s and has enhanced his reputation no end.
The Illusion affects both the sight and the sense of smell. When it appears on the battlefield Halflings believe it is a sign that the Goddess Khylie is pleased and are cheered by its presence and the fruity aroma.
The Boche gain +1 to all morale rolls, +1 to all hand-to-hand combat rolls and +10% modifier to all shooting.
Unfortunately for them the Nomans don’t perceive things the same way! The disgusting sight and stench has the Nomans wavering.
Tear-filled eyes don’t see too well and as a result the Nomans suffer a minus 10% modifier to all shooting.
Tear-filled eyes, plus a queasy stomach are a serious impediment to getting around, so it’s a –25% to all movement.
Tear-filled eyes, a queasy stomach and having to breathe a nauseating stench generally combine to make one prone to puking, this isn’t very clever when you’re trying to fight an enemy and results in a –1 to all Hand-to-hand dice rolls.
Now that you’re feeling so bad, you don’t really feel like being here today so its also a minus 1 to morale rolls.
The Illusion lasts for 1 x D10 turns – a roll of 1 means it has failed entirely and may not be cast again, a roll of 0 or 10 means that it will remain for the duration of the game.
The Scary Chuffa-Puffa
An Enormous Iron Beast will appear to be charging straight towards all Noman characters within 40cm of Wasserpferd. The beast will belch fire and smoke from its head and roar in a Chuffa-Puffa way!
Each character affected will believe that the beast is attacking them and will react to being charged with an extra –3 modifier to morale!
Noman characters affected may take no action other than to defend themselves in Hand-to-hand combat for the remainder of this turn, the results of the morale test being applied at the beginning of the following turn. The beast will disappear at the end of the turn in which it appears.
The Bloated Belly of Wrath
All Noman characters within line of sight of Wasserpferd see his stomach expand to the size of an Elephant; they then see the same thing happening to them, together with imagined gurgles and leaks. Apart from the obvious effect this has on their morale –2 to all morale checks for the duration of the effect, it forces them to remove any armour they are wearing and discard their shields. They then spend 1 x D6 turns lumbering about at –75% to all movement. Affected characters cannot shoot or instigate Hand-to-hand combat.
Webmaster's Notes
An Orcs in the Webbe Exclusive! 'Magic' is taken from the unpublished first expansion for Mac's Pax Bochemannica and was published here exclusively for Orcs in the Webbe on the 17th December 2024 as the seventeenth entry entry in that years Advent Calendar.
SPQ.oRc: Pax Bochemannica (or Pax Boche as it's affectionately known) is a 'heroic' scale set of miniature skirmish rules pitching Orcs of the Noman Empire (as the name suggests, based on the Roman Empire) against the Halfling Boche (based on the varied tribes of Britain around the time of Boudica).